
Delivery Policies & Missed Deliveries

Your deliveries will come on a specified day between 10:00 AM & 3:00 PM.

  • We cannot guarantee a specific delivery time within this schedule.
  • Someone must be home to receive the food, but it does not have to be you or anyone in particular.

To arrange an alternative delivery option, please call (202) 269-6820. You have the option to make the arrangement permanent or for a single day only.

If none of these options work, please cancel your delivery.

If you do not cancel and miss a certain number of deliveries, your service could be suspended.

For any delivery-related questions, please call (202) 269-6820. A client services representative will answer from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Friday and Saturday. If you leave a message, your call will be returned.

Alternative Delivery Options

If you call at least 24 hours before your delivery, you have the following options:

Option 1 – Neighbor Backup: Designate a neighbor as a backup delivery site. If possible, give your neighbor’s cellphone number to help in the delivery process.

Option 2 – Different Delivery Address: We can deliver your meals somewhere else such as the home or office of a friend or family member.

Option 3 – Pickup: You (or someone else on your behalf) can come to Food & Friends to pick up meals. We are located at 219 Riggs Road NE – there is free parking and we are near the Fort Totten Metro station (Green, Yellow, and Red Lines). We have a shuttle bus that can pick you up from the metro station – just call (202) 669-6437 and let the driver know you are there.

Pickup hours:  Monday - Thursday: 10:00 AM—5:00 PM     |    Friday & Saturday: 8:00 AM—2:00 PM

Missed Deliveries

If you do not cancel your delivery and no one can receive the food, this will count as an unexcused, missed delivery. An example of an excused missed delivery is hospitalization.

  • After 2 missed deliveries within a year, service will be suspended for your next delivery.
  • After 3…… your next 2 deliveries are suspended.
  • After 4…… your next 3 deliveries are suspended.
  • After 5…… your enrollment will be ended. You will have to wait three months to be reinstated. We will send you a postcard telling you when your enrollment is eligible to restart. Call (202) 269 6820 to resume your services.

To pause or end your service for whatever reason (hospitalization, out of town, etc.) call (202) 269-6820.

Delivery Days

See below for which days we typically deliver to specific areas. These days may change, for details on your delivery please call 202-269-6820.

Monday: Virginia; St. Mary’s County, Calvert County, Washington County, Charles County, Frederick County, Washington County
Tuesday: NE DC (and small portion of SE) 
Wednesday: Prince George’s County 
Thursday: SE/SW DC 
Friday: Montgomery County (and small portion of PG Co)
Saturday: NW DC