
Client FAQs

Have a question about your deliveries, food, or our program? Call us at 202-269-6820 or check out some of our most frequently asked questions below.

Eligibility & How to Apply

To be eligible, clients must have a qualifying illness, compromised nutritional status, and require help with some or all daily activities. Qualifying illnesses include: HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes (with an A1C of over 8% and a severe complication), stage 5 renal disease, congestive heart failure (NYHA class III or IV), chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder “COPD”, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson’s, and Cystic Fibrosis. Anyone currently in hospice care is eligible, regardless of their illness. There are no age or income requirements--eligibility is entirely based on illness status.

Please have your doctor complete our intake form. Please return the completed form and supporting documents (if applicable) to us via email (, fax (202-635-4261) or mail (Client Services: 219 Riggs Rd. NE Washington, DC 20011).

Clients eligible for our services can choose to receive either Medically Tailored Meals (prepared meals ready to be heated up), or Medically Tailored Groceries (ingredients that you can use to cook for yourself). Prepared meals, or MTMs, are delivered every week, and we offer 9 meal plans to ensure the food is best suited to your medical needs. Groceries, or MTGs, include shelf-stable pantry goods, fresh produce, and frozen protein delivered every other week and tailored to suit your medical needs through offering 6 meal plans.

Yes! We can deliver extra food for one adult living in your household, and up to four children under the age of 18 who also reside with you.

Clients qualifying under HIV or AIDS will need to recertify every year. All other clients will need to recertify after 9 months. Our recertification coordinator will reach out to clients due for recertification at least six weeks ahead of the deadline. NOTE: Clients on our Shipping Pilot Program are NOT eligible to recertify.

Delivery Information

On your delivery date, we will bring your food between the hours of 10AM and 3PM. We cannot confirm a more specific delivery time. If you cannot be home during that time, please call our delivery line at 202-269-6820. Day of, if you are wondering if you are still getting a delivery, you can call our delivery line to confirm.

See below for which days we typically deliver to specific areas. These days may change, for details on your delivery please call 202-269-6820.

Monday: Virginia; St. Mary’s County, Calvert County, Washington County, Charles County, Frederick County, Washington County
Tuesday: NE DC (and small portion of SE) 
Wednesday: Prince George’s County 
Thursday: SE/SW DC 
Friday: Montgomery County (and small portion of PG Co)
Saturday: NW DC

If you call before your delivery day, you have three options:
1. You can pick up your delivery at Food & Friends, or arrange to have someone pick it up for you.
2. We can deliver your food to a different address, such as a doctor’s office or dialysis center.
3. We can leave the food with a neighbor, as long as they live on the same block or in the same apartment building as you do.
If you call the day of your delivery, you will have to cancel your delivery. We are unable to make changes to delivery instructions the same day as your delivery. We are not able to leave the food unattended outside your door for food safety reasons.

Food & Meal Plan

Our staff dietitians are always available to discuss anything related to the food we provide--whether you have a question about how to cook an ingredient, or you want to make a change to the meal plan you are on, please call 202-269-6820 to be connected with your dietitian.

We cannot accomdate customizations on an individual level. Everyone on a given meal plan will receive the same food on a 6 week rotating cycle. You can discuss the different meal plans with your dietitian and see if a different meal plan better meets your needs. You can also discuss ways to use or season items with your dietitian. If you still have items you will not eat-we encourage you to share these items with friends, family or someone who might enjoy it.

Contact Us

Have a specific question? For more information contact:

Deliveries: (202) 269-6820,
Recertification: (202) 269-6847 or
Nutrition Counseling:
A: Becca (202) 269-6885
B-C: Ashley (202) 269-6898
D-I: Nicole (202) 269-6876
J-P: Jenn (202) 269-6879
Q-Z: Matt (202) 269-6887