
Directions & Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Saturday: Appointments Only

219 Riggs Road, NE
Washington, DC  20011

Please call the Food & Friends shuttle to take you to and from the Fort Totten Metro Station at (202) 669-6437.

The shuttle operates:

Monday-Thursday, 6:00am – 8:30pm
Friday, 6:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday, 7:30am – 12:30pm



From downtown Washington: Go northbound on Rhode Island Ave NW. At 1st St NW, slight right onto T St NW. Left onto North Capitol St for 2.5 mi.  Veer left on Hawaii Ave, then continue on North Capitol St. Right onto Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi. Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave.  Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.

From upper Northwest DC: Go eastbound on Military Rd NW for 3 mi., which becomes Missouri Ave NW for 1.5 mi. Cross North Capitol Street. Stay on Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi. Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave.  Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.

From Capitol Hill: Go northbound on Massachusetts Ave past Union Station. Right onto North Capitol St for 4 mi. Veer left on Hawaii Ave, then continue on North Capitol St. Right onto Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi. Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave.  Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.

From far Southeast: Take I-295 North across the 11th St Bridge to I-395 North (2nd St Tunnel). Right onto Massachusetts Ave NW. Left onto North Capitol St for 4 mi. Veer left on Hawaii Ave, then continue on North Capitol St. Right onto Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi. Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave.  Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.


From US-50 corridor: Go westbound on John Hanson Hwy/US-50, which becomes New York Ave NE. Take ramp to South Dakota Ave, then follow for 3.6 mi. Left onto Riggs Rd, then immediately get into left turn lane; yield to oncoming Riggs Rd traffic to enter Food & Friends parking lot.

From I-95/Baltimore corridor: Go southbound on I-95. Take ramp to I-495/Outerloop towards Silver Spring. Take New Hampshire Ave/MD-650 exit southbound for 4 mi. Left on Eastern Ave NE for ½ mi. Right on Riggs Rd NE for ½ mi. Immediately after South Dakota Ave enter left turn lane; yield to oncoming Riggs Rd traffic to enter Food & Friends parking lot.

From I-270 corridor: Go southbound on I-270, then merge onto I-495/Innerloop towards Silver Spring for 4 mi. Take Georgia Ave exit southbound for 3.3 mi. Left onto Missouri Ave NW. Cross North Capitol Street.  Stay on Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi.  Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave. Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.


From I-395/I-95: Go northbound on I-395 across 14th St Bridge.  Keep right on I-395 N.  Exit going towards the U.S. Senate, following 2nd Street tunnel to Massachusetts Ave exit. Right onto Massachusetts Ave NW.  Left on North Capitol Street for 4 mi. Veer left on Hawaii Ave, then continue on North Capitol St. Right on Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi.  Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave.  Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.

From Tysons Corner: Go northbound on I-495/Innerloop across American Legion Bridge into Maryland. Exit onto River Rd/MD-190 Eastbound for 4.5 mi. Left onto Western Ave NW for ½ mi. Right onto Military Rd NW for 3 mi., which becomes Missouri Ave NW for 1.5 mi. Cross North Capitol St. Stay on Riggs Rd NE for 0.3 mi. Stay in far right lane towards South Dakota Ave. Immediate right into Food & Friends parking lot.