
Gifts of Stock

Giving appreciated stock is a fast and easy way to make a gift to Food & Friends and receive considerable tax benefits. In fact, many people find that the tax benefits associated with giving to Food & Friends actually allow them to increase the size of their gift.

Stock Transfer Instructions

It is simple and secure to transfer stock electronically.  Please follow these steps:

1) Contact your broker to request a stock transfer from your account to Food & Friends.  Your broker will need the following information:

Food & Friends, Inc.
EIN#: 52-1648941
Wells Fargo Advisors
DTC: #0141
For credit to 5946-9369
Please contact Simon Wang, CFA, at 703-760-5823 if you need assistance.

2) Contact Marilyn Turner at (202) 269-6849 or with the name of the stock and the number of shares you will transfer.  We need this information in order to acknowledge your gift promptly and accurately.

Thank you for your support!