"I have good days and bad days. but thanks to Food & Friends, I know I am not alone. They are so dependable and friendly. Food & Friends ensures I have a nutritious balanced meal. I initially lost 40 pounds, but with the help of Food & Friends, I have gained back 20 pounds already," shared Nathaniel Reed.

Nathaniel grew up on a farm in Savannah, GA with eight siblings. Growing up in the country, they never let food go to waste. Today, he is even more careful with his food, because it comes from Food & Friends. Nathaniel has thyroid cancer, so proper nutrition is essential.

Nathaniel first moved to D.C. in 1983. At the time, he was a college recruiter in east Tennessee and invested in a small apartment in D.C. to rent out to graduates. He liked the place so much, he decided to move in. Nathaniel has always been independent, so when he got sick, he was doing everything for himself.

When he was first referred by his doctor to Food & Friends, he had lost 40 pounds. He was only able to eat the pureed meals because it was hard to chew and swallow. After months of sticking with his Food & Friends meal plan, he is getting his strength back. He is now eating the regular freshly-prepared medically tailored meals each week.

"The meals are delicious, consistent, and dependable in any kind of weather. I am so grateful to be in a place now where I am never without food," said Nathaniel.

He still carefully portions everything he receives, and takes the Skinny Pop popcorn bags he receives as snacks to the movies with a friend of his once a month. "I make use of everything, and it is all so appreciated. I love the fruits, pita chips, soups, and Ensure. I like to juice the oranges."

Nathaniel also cherishes the house plant a volunteer brought him last year. Having cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic was especially isolating, but he didn't have to go through that alone because of our caring neighbors who volunteer and donate. He is living on a fixed income, and has a lot of medical bills, so our meal deliveries are his only stable source of healthy food.

We hope you will join our Bread & Butter Club monthly giving program today. You can help us continue to deliver hope and friendship to Nathaniel, one meal at a time.